Hello, and welcome!
I'm so glad you have found Hunters page. I am Laura, Hunter's mommy, and run the blog here on this site.

Hunter's journey continues on through us all, including Dad- Atom and big brother- Chase. This is our way to continue the legacy Hunter started when he was diagnosed with cancer.
After he passed, we found ourselves briefly thinking about throwing in the towel on the idea of any happiness in life. Grief is a roller coaster. It takes you up, down, and all around. I am continuously learning so much about this new journey everyday. But I am trying to remember the most important lesson that my Hunter bug taught me about living well, even when you do not feel well. I do not think there is a right way or a wrong way to grieve. I have found that you never get to choose your grief, but you do get to choose how you live it out.
Hunter never let his circumstances in life hold him back. For him, we choose good grief. Which simply means to us, that we are allowing the pain of our loss to be felt, but not hold us back. We want to keep living well, despite our circumstances, just like Hunter did. We aspire to find joy and happiness amidst the grief that we know is not going anywhere. We pray for Hunter to have the best view of his family from Heaven, and we want him to be proud. It has become our goal to find purpose in our pain and show everyone our grief in hopes that it can help even just one person.
To us, that is good grief.